Gregg is sneaky...
Next week there will be a scene change! :) It's a few pages that are 100% new compared to the old version of the comic. I'm kind of excited about those pages! I am glad I decided to throw them in now and not later, because they will have better impact now.
A fact about the old version of page 23-24 (other than the one I mentioned earlier that I accidentlally drew Gregg and Sigsten naked): Louise used to be knitting in these two pages. I changed her into reading a book instead, since she often assists Ursula in her writing and I wanted to show it. There will be a proper intruduction page of Louise soon!
Other news? I went indoor climbing today after work for the first time in ... forever! It was awesome, but my hands and wrists hurt a bit. Also... they are shaking. Good thing I am inking leaves tonight! Natural wiggly lines ~
And as per usual: If you have a moment to spare, please vote for The Din at topwebcomics! Means a lot! <3