Good catch, cool lanky lady.
And yup, these are the same kids who saw their father get killed in a nasty way back in Chapter 1. :S
Guess what everyone? I just finished working my first day 100% dedicated to art and comics: to be more precise: working on The Din! I've got 3 months off my day job, so I am planning to draaaaaw a lot!
My first day went pretty well! I have decided to treat this just like my day job; I won't wait around or eat pastries. So, today, I went up around 7, went on a short run and got started working on my own things around 8. :) It's been glorious! I think I finished about a week of work in one day! (Compared to when I only work in evenings)
I know I have been talking about posting more updates during this period, which I will. But first I need to build up a proper buffer for more updates, since I miiiight get called in to work in case of emergency. I don't want to step up to twice a week and have to take it back the next week.
I estimate to have reached my desired 6 weeks buffer in about 2 weeks, so... I am most likely going to update The Din twice a week from the 21st of March until I need to step down to once a week again. Which will be sometime when I return to my day job in June. I am really excited about finally being able to speed up the updating a bit. :) I hope you are too!
So that's about it! Please vote for The Din at Topwebcomics if you've got a moment to spare! <3