Gregg really likes bikes and sticks!
A quick reminder that I updated the comic back on Friday, so you probably want to go back and read that page too. As of last week, I am going to update twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays until June. Wohoo!
Hope you all had a lovely Easter, those who celebrate it~ If you didn't, I hope you had a lovely weekend with tons of stuff that you like. <3
On a complete different note! Adrian has started a Wikia page for The Din! Take a look if you are curious, I think it looks pretty cool. :) Let him know if you have any tips and tricks on designing and running a Wikia page! For those who don't know Adrian, he is a nice fellow reader - a really helpful proof reader too! - and is very active in the comment section.
See you on friday! And don't forget to vote! :)