Looks like Frank is up and about...!
Here's an other friendly reminder to update your rss-feed to this one if you follow The Din through a rss-client! That way you will both get the comic page updates and the blog posts/announcements to your feed. :)
How are you all doing? I'm good! I just sent out all of the Surveys for the Kickstarter, so I'm happy I have taken the first step in delivering the rewards. This is also the final week before I have a few weeks off work since it's summer vacation time, and the game studio I work at closes its doors for a few weeks. I'm going away for some time, but I'll also catch up on more comic and Kickstarter related chores then! I especially look forward to drawing all of the original sketches Kickstarter rewards, actually! It's been a while since I did some traditional art.
This week's vote incentive image on topwebcomics is the sketch version of Page 32 of Chapter 1! It's got airplanes. -wink wink-
See you next week, my friends!
Edit: I almost forgot to tell you! I finally uploaded a proper image of the cast over at the cast section! I hope you like it. :)