Hello everyone! I just want to share a little something for you all to see! A guest artwork of Gregg by Yossra, the artist of the webcomic Raedus! <3
We've been pep-talking eachother a lot this autumn and she was so sweet to draw this for me during her inktober challenge. What a happy surprise! <3
If you want to see a really well executed comic with high quality art, I recommend heading to Raedus, her current comic project. It's awesome!
On a slightly related note - here's the Guest Comic's schedule for the rest of the guest comics that were sent in:
16:th of November: A pretty cool book - by Lho Brockhoff
14:th of December: Feathers and Bones - by Jeff McClelland
11:th of January: Airplane games - by Jenny Hannula
If you sent in a comic and it's not listed here, let me know! Might've gotten lost in the mail. :S