The prize
A physical copy of The Din Chapter 1 + sketch.
This is a 96 pages long album in full color. I only print these in limited editions. It contains the Prologue and Chapter 1.

How to participate
The contest runs from the 1st of June to the 30th of June. I have uploaded 30 incentive images to be shown once a day throughout the month of June over at In a number of these vote incentive images, I have included this symbol:

In order to see these vote incentive images, you need to vote for The Din over at Top Web Comics. You vote by clicking on the vote-image on the right side-bar or click here. If you are not a member, you will be asked to confirm your vote before you are sent to the vote incentive image.
Make a note every time you see this symbol. At the end of the month, count the total number of symbols you found and send the number to me at:
with the subject:
The Din - June 2015 Contest
The deadline for sending in the number is the 2nd of July 24:00 EST
The one who has the correct total number of symbols, or closest to the correct total number of symbols, will get The Din Chapter 1 + a sketch of any The Din related character shipped to them as soon as I have their address. :)
To increase your chances of winning, you need to vote as often as possible. Preferably once a day since there will be a new image every day. This is what a vote incentive image with a symbol might look like:
Do not count this one! It's just an example!
What happens if more than 1 person gets the right number?
I will collect the names and let a random generator pick one winner. If more than 4 people get the right number I will let a random generator pick two winners etc.
Can the symbol appear more than once in one picture?
No, the symbol can only appear once in one picture. Some images might have a similar symbol in the drawing, but it's the clean black symbol inside the red circle that counts. It will be very clear when you see it!
I don't want to give you my address, can I participate anyway?
Absolutely! If you win I'll give you a PDF of the album + a digital sketch instead!
The vote incentive images
All the images are related to The Din. It's a mix of new doodles and old art from before I started drawing the comic. I tried to find images that haven't been posted anywhere before, but old time readers might recognize some of these!
That's about it! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Best of luck to all of you, and thanks for participating! Every vote helps The Din to reach new readers and grow as a webcomic! <3