Posted March 12, 2011 at 10:16 am
I'm considering changing the name of the comic. :) I'd like to
know your opinion about it. Here's my reasons:

1. Försupen is a swedish word for "Drunken" and has been this story's
project name for a very long time. But it's misleading. Even if the issues
of alcohole is one of the subjects brought up in the comic, it's not
the main conflict.

2. I am only making the comic in english right now. I'd like a name
that english speaking people will understand and easily remember.
I doesn't necesserily need to be in english, just easy to remember
and not misleading.

The big question is - are you up for a name change?

[poll id="6"]

Any suggestions for the new name is welcome. My current ideas
are strongly connected to these key words:

Threatening Noise
(This was my no. 1 idea for a name, but it's already in use of a band!)
Ill-shapen minds

Any comments are welcome! Suggestions,
ideas, thoughts... even flames! Hit me! :)