Posted September 27, 2014 at 1:00 am
No update today! Nooo, don't run away - hear me out!
I have decided to change my update schedule to Mondays!
There will be a new page up only in two days. But since I am on such a tight schedule on my day job right now, I can't afford to post two pages in a row. Sorry. So... new page will be up in 2 days and then all comic updates will be made on mondays! Why? Because Mondays fit much better with my current schedule in life!
To compensate, I decided to start re-upload what used to be Chapter 1 (Also known as Old Chapter 1 & Old Chapter 2) in the Extras section. Yes, you heard me - there was an other Chapter 1 before the one I post now and it was drawn back in ... 2007? You see, after some great feedback from people who read my comic back then, I decided I needed a much better opening Chapter for The Din because I didn't do the core of the story or main characters justice. It was a very difficult, but wise, choice and I am happy I went through that process. The comic's beginning is so much better now.
What do you think? Read the old pages and tell me what you think this far. :)

Here's some short info about how the comic was presented back then. I presented it in printed format, in small books, which contained a chapter of two stories (Gregg's time line and Lorentz' time line). You could read from both ends of the book, their time lines meeting in the middle. Makes sense? Haha, maybe not. The two-sided-comic book was a neat idea but it didn't work out in the long run for this project, especially not online. :) This is how it looked, back in the days:

So, the current Chapter 1 represents the old Chapter 1 & old Chapter 2 combined - only completely rewritten and redrawn in much better format and pacing. Since Lorentz yet has to be presented in the current version of the comic, I decided to post only Gregg's time line from Volume 1 for now, to avoid spoilers. I'll post more of the old pages once more of the story has been revealed in the comic as it is now, presented on the website. :)
Confused? Read more about the production time frame over at the info section. An other option is to just wait for the next new page in two days and ignore all of this old stuff for now. :) Personally, I just love looking back to see how much the comic evolved.
Anyway, thanks for the patience and see you again in two days when I'll post a new, colored comic page! <3
I have decided to change my update schedule to Mondays!
There will be a new page up only in two days. But since I am on such a tight schedule on my day job right now, I can't afford to post two pages in a row. Sorry. So... new page will be up in 2 days and then all comic updates will be made on mondays! Why? Because Mondays fit much better with my current schedule in life!
To compensate, I decided to start re-upload what used to be Chapter 1 (Also known as Old Chapter 1 & Old Chapter 2) in the Extras section. Yes, you heard me - there was an other Chapter 1 before the one I post now and it was drawn back in ... 2007? You see, after some great feedback from people who read my comic back then, I decided I needed a much better opening Chapter for The Din because I didn't do the core of the story or main characters justice. It was a very difficult, but wise, choice and I am happy I went through that process. The comic's beginning is so much better now.
What do you think? Read the old pages and tell me what you think this far. :)

Here's some short info about how the comic was presented back then. I presented it in printed format, in small books, which contained a chapter of two stories (Gregg's time line and Lorentz' time line). You could read from both ends of the book, their time lines meeting in the middle. Makes sense? Haha, maybe not. The two-sided-comic book was a neat idea but it didn't work out in the long run for this project, especially not online. :) This is how it looked, back in the days:

So, the current Chapter 1 represents the old Chapter 1 & old Chapter 2 combined - only completely rewritten and redrawn in much better format and pacing. Since Lorentz yet has to be presented in the current version of the comic, I decided to post only Gregg's time line from Volume 1 for now, to avoid spoilers. I'll post more of the old pages once more of the story has been revealed in the comic as it is now, presented on the website. :)
Go here to start reading the old Chapter 1
Confused? Read more about the production time frame over at the info section. An other option is to just wait for the next new page in two days and ignore all of this old stuff for now. :) Personally, I just love looking back to see how much the comic evolved.
Anyway, thanks for the patience and see you again in two days when I'll post a new, colored comic page! <3