Posted May 18, 2016 at 6:40 am

Hello everyone!

I know I have been promoting my KICKSTARTER a lot these past few days. But, I actually have even more awesome KICKSTARTER related matters to share!

A fellow Swedish comic artist, Andreas Qassim, is currently also running a KICKSTARTER to fund the creation of two longer stories of The Pacifiers. It's a comic project with quite a unique outline. The main cast are toddlers who posess the power to transform into Rambo-like muscle babies and they fight bad guys by shoving pacifiers into their mouths! 

Check it out! I think it looks amazing and far from something I've seen before. Would be great to see where Andreas Qassim and his crew (Jimmy Wallin & Alfred Beckman) can take this concept when it gets funded!

If you are curious about what the comic looks like, there is currently already one story up at the website !
