And Gregg is back! This is a short intermission with kiddo Gregg before we start off where we left him in Chapter 1. :)
This page got uploaded a bit later than usual this Monday because this is one of the new pages I want to squeeze into Chapter 2 and I was also playing around with the colors a bit, last minute. Haha!
I’m still busy with unpacking things. Apparently it’s really hard when you don’t have any furniture yet (it’s still in storage since we’ve been living in a furnished apartment before). I have also been away, preparing a bit of my brother’s wedding in my hometown in Dalarna! It was a success and I am so happy for him and my sister in law. I even held a speech, which I was soooo nervous about. But I am glad I did!
Today I also got back to my day job after my vacation. Felt nice to meet all friends and colleagues again!
Anyway, see you next week! Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote if you got a minute to spare! <3