And we're back to Gregg!
How's your week been? Feels like it's been forever since I updated! I went on a skiing-trip with the studio I work at - Thursday-Sunday! Lots of snowboarding for me and I also tried out skiing again, which was fun! It was about -22/-25 celcius one of the days, but I was well prepared with good gear! Now I'm super tired, will probably sleep like a log all week.
This page is a combination of new and old inked panels! As opposed to the pages after Frank & John's pastry meeting - which mostly were inked panels from 2012 (just recently colored) - this page has only 2 panels with old inks, so to speak. Can you guess which ones that are old? I hope the style change is not tooo apparent, because I tried to edit it out. ;)
Next week we'll see Frank's reaction to it all, stay tuned! Will he throw a pastry party? Only time will tell...
If you got a minute to spare, vote for The Din at! <3